TEL:+33(3) 83551299
FAX:+33(3) 83970552
Enginest, spin-off from INRIA, was founded as a provider of intelligent engines. Based on the NCL natural constraint language technology, Enginest's mission is to assist users to efficiently make decisions, plan actions and manage resources. The philosophy of Enginest is to create natural ways of solving by encapsulating sophisticated technology under simple logical interfaces accessible to non-specialists.
Main activities of the company include the development and commercialization of general-purpose tools such as programming languages and application modules for logistics planning, production scheduling, and personnel planning, etc.
Enginest's main product is POEM (Programming in Operational and Expressive Models). For constantly evolving the product, Enginest invests permanently on R&D projects on vehicle routing, production scheduling and timetabling algorithms, etc.
To better exploit the technology and know-how of Enginest, the company hopes to extend collaborations with industrial and/or commercial partners in all areas of modeling, planning and scheduling.
1 Allée de l'Alzette, 54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Telephone: +33 (3) 83 55 12 99 Email: info@enginest.com
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