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POEM Platform
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With NCL as the solver language, POEM offers users not only a development toolkit, but also an application platform.

In practice, POEM's natural modeling, visual debugging and model diagnosing make it an ideal toolkit for rapidly developing and deploying industrial applications.


POEM package 

POEM           : Development Toolkit

PoemServer : Optimization Server

PoemView    : Visulization Component

PoemData    ; Data Engine

PoemClient  : Client Terminal

PoemMobile : Mobile Terminal



Product Presentation


The mathematical language NCL is integrated for logical programming and optimization, with enhanced algorithms for planning, scheduling and routing.

The PoemView visualization script supports graphical objects such as tables, histograms, Gantt charts, maps and simulation. 

Open architecture "client/server/cloud" guarantees an all-in-one platform to model, visualize, prototype, test, debug, and deploy industrial solutions.

Benefits for users

Descriptive & concise modeling allows interactive prototyping together with end-users. 

Standardized software components and server simplify POEM's integration with application modules.

Clean coding in literate programming style (TEX) guarantees easy maintenance and upgrade.

Cost efficient for software management (learning, development, deployment, training and maintenance).

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